Deep Dip Days On Market




Here are the Median Days On Market for each of the 15 towns on Cape Cod. The number of listings per group is almost identical – with each group averaging about 11.1% of the 3,151 Sold Listings. These 8 towns all had Median Days on Market that were 1-2 days LOWER than the Overall Median of 9 days. These 6 towns all had Median Days on Market that were 1-2 days HIGHER than the Overall Median of 9 days. Province Town is the one anomaly. It’s Median Days on Market of 37.0 is 4 times

the 9 – Day Overall Median. Why? I think it’s PRICE. In these sold listings, the Median Sold Price for Province Town is: $2,187,500. As we saw in the Sold Price Slide, the Median Days On Market for sales in the $2 million plus range is 38. Almost exactly the same as Province Town.

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