Democracy Index U.S. Presidents

This slideshow shows the decline in the U.S. democracy index for the last 3 U.S. presidents.

Democracy Index

The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2023 First Results Published in 2006 Scored on the issues below. Overall scores range from 10.0 to 0.00

Full Democracy 10.00 – 8.00

Flawed Democracy 7.99 – 6.00

Dictatorship 3:00 – 0.00

Hybrid Regime 5.99 – 4.00

Copyright Bill Silver 2024

Democracy Index United States Presidents

Bush Jr.




2006 – 8.22

2010 – 8.18

2017 – 7.98

2021 – 7.85

2008 – 8.22 2011 – 8.11

2018 – 7.96

2022 – 7.85

2012 – 8.11

2019 – 7.96

2013 – 8.11

2020 – 7.92

2014 – 8.11

The United States Democracy Index has gone DOWN with each of the last three presidents. In 2016 the United States went from being a Full Democracy to being a Flawed Democracy.

2015 – 8.05

2016 – 7.98

Copyright Bill Silver 2024

United States World Democracy Ranking 19 th Bush – 8.22 #19


As Americans we like to think of our country as the leader of the Free World. But, to be a good example, we need to reverse our steady decline as a democracy.






25 th Obama – 7.98





29 th Trump – 7.92 30 th Biden – 7.85



Copyright Bill Silver 2024

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