Example 1777 World Events

Vermont Republic –


In January 1777 delegates from 28 towns met and on the 15 th they declared Vermont’s independence from both the British colony of Quebec and the American states of New Hampshire and New York. They also abolished adult slavery within their new republic. Due to of vehement objections from New York, which claimed territorial ownership of large parts of the Vermont Republic, the Continental Congress declined to recognize Vermont. Yet many Vermonters took part in the American Revolution. The Vermont Republic was called the "reluctant republic" because many early citizens favored political union with the United States rather than independence. But, popular opinion and the legal construction of the government made it clear that the independent State of Vermont would eventually join the original 13 states. And, in 1791, Vermont was admitted to the United States as the 14th state . The Great Seal of the Vermont Republic was designed by Ira Allen (1751 - 1814). He was one of the founders of the Vermont Republic, a leader of the Green Mountain Boys, and the brother of Ethan Allen.

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